Ultradrive Scout by L.E. Spry

Overheard in the halls of the USS Enterprise:

“For Christ’s sake Jim – I’m a doctor, not a mechanic.”

“I don’t care what you are Bones – get your Hugo nominations in ASAP.”

Yup, if you have procrastinated and not turned in your 2015 Hugo nominations yet – now is the time to move out and draw fire and cast your ballot.

I am very excited to announce that I will be attending this year’s 73rd World Science Fiction Convention to be held in Spokane, Washington August 19-23, 2015. This will be the first Worldcon I have attended and needless to say I cannot wait to be amongst my people and bask in all things sci-fi. If you are also attending the convention, let me know!

The 2015 Hugo Nomination process will close today and the nominees will be announced on April 4th at Norwescon starting at Noon Pacific Daylight time. Other conventions to include Eastercon in London, Reconnaissance in Rotorua, NZ, and Minicon in Minneapolis, will also announce the winners. So if you are attending a convention the weekend, the nominees are announced look for an announcement to see if your favorites made the cut. Offworlders will also post the chosen nominees here on the site.

For more information on the 2015 Hugo Awards check these two sites:

Hugo Awards

Photo Credit: “Ultradrive Scout
by L.E. Spry is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Image resized and cropped to fit required size.

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