Cover art by Frank Frazetta

First Five of Burroughs Barsoom Titles Available for Download

The Barsoom series by American pulp fiction author Edgar Rice Burroughs inspired many science fiction authors the likes of Robert A Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, and Arthur C. Clarke. Of the eleven books which comprise the series, the first five are available in the public domain in the United States and are available for free download here on Offworlders. All eleven in the series are in the public domain in Australia at Project Gutenberg Australia.

The books fit nicely in the science fantasy genre and are the classic example of the planetary romance sub-genre. Burroughs penned the works between 1912 and 1943. They are incredible in their depth and imagination. If you have not waded into the series yet, now is the time! Burroughs has created a fantastical place where you can lose yourself in the wonder that is Barsoom. Links to the five novels on Offworlders are located below and are listed in our Barsoom section.

The Barsoom Series:

  1. A Princess of Mars
  2. The Gods of Mars
  3. The Warlord of Mars
  4. Thuvia, Maid of Mars
  5. The Chessmen of Mars
  6. The Master Mind of Mars
  7. A Fighting Man of Mars
  8. Swords of Mars
  9. Synthetic Men of Mars
  10. Llana of Gathol
  11. Skeleton Men of Jupiter

Photo Credit:Burroughs, Edgar Rice – Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars (1971 BCE HB)
by sdoble is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Image resized to fit and manipulated with photo filters. Cover art by Frank Frazetta
The Gods of Mars & The Warlord of Mars, Nelson Doubleday, 1971

Background Image Photo Credit:Phlegra Montes southern tip
by ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Image cropped. Color image of the southernmost portion of Phlegra Montes on Mars
The image was acquired by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA’s Mars Express on 8 October 2014

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