Starship Test Rocket
We need a wet cleanup in aisle three! My God, did you see Musk’s Starship Test Rocket? Well, it looks like something straight out of the 1950s pulp sci-fi magazines. It’s gorgeous! It looks similar to the ship on the cover art for Analog Science Fact – Science Fiction, December 1962, Vol: LXXX, No. 4.
Our first news item features Caleb Kraft’s wonderful article covering the 1962 issue of Analog Science Fact – Science Fiction mentioned above. It’s such a fun read it gave me goosebumps.
Read the article here: Sci-Fi Sunday, December 1962
A Discovery of Witches Field Guide
What a far-out write-up of the magic and alchemy in Deborah Harkness’ A Discovery of Witches. This is seriously a cool article by io9’s Sarah Durn. What makes this series different from others is that Deborah Harkness is a history of science professor and much of what she uses in her novel is based on a historical study of magic and science. Kick back and enjoy this medievalist guide to the scientific and magical elements of this fascinating series.
Read the article here: Guide to A Discovery of Witches
The 2019 Sci-Fi TV Guide
The title says it all. A quick article complete with trailers for upcoming Sci-Fi shows of note.
Read the article here: The Guide
Babylon 5 Remembered
Great article for Babylon 5 fans that features everything from how the show got started to the intricate plot lines. A must-read for fans.
Read the article here: Remembering Babylon 5
The Truth is out there…
Harvard Astronomer speaks out on ‘Oumuamua,” a mysterious interstellar object named after the Hawaiian word for scout, or messenger. The Harvard professor co-authored a paper suggesting that the object, based on its acceleration, could be from an extraterrestrial civilization. There is indeed a lot of interesting aspects to this object.
Read the article here: Have Aliens Found Us?
Science Fiction and Climate Change
This BBC article on Sci-Fi and climate change shows how dystopian novels help people understand the devastating effects of climate change far better than a scientific paper could ever hope to achieve.
Read the article here: Sci-Fi and Climate Change
Injecting Ideas into your Dreams
These quotes hooked me on the next must-read article:
“For the first time, we can actually look inside your dreams and decode the content.” ~Moran Cerf
“There is a lot of business interest,” says Cerf. “Everyone wants to be the first to own the world of dreams.”
Possible applications include injecting Hollywood movies into your dreams to create realism, spending additional time with online dates; and removing trauma using mind manipulation, and more.
Read the article here: Israeli Scientist Can Inject Ideas into Dreams
Better Worlds Project by Verge
This news is a little aged by now but if you haven’t seen it you must. This project features 10 science fiction animated short stories that focus on vision and progress over dystopian visions of the future. I love this project since the constant beating of the drums of doom slowly crushes one’s spirit. Nice to come up from the dystopian nightmares once in a while to take a deep breath of fresh air.
Read the article here: Better Worlds
The Rise of Chinese Science Fiction
This is an article you should make time for as Chinese Science Fiction continues to gain in strength and power. Good stuff.
Read the article here: The Rise of Chinese Sci-Fi
New SFWA Grand Master
The Science Fiction Writers of America will induct William Gibson as next Grand Master
I cannot think of anyone that deserves it more. Such a fabulous author.
Read the article here: Grand Master of Science Fiction