A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab
Don’t forget to download this month’s free eBook from Tor’s eBook of the Month Club: V. E. Schwab’s “A Darker Shade of Magic.” This download from Tor is only available from June 12th through June 15th, with a cutoff time for downloading set at 11:59 PM ET June 15th, 2018. You can download free eBooks from Tor if you are a legal resident of the 50 United States, Canada (excluding Quebec), and the District of Columbia. You need to be 13 years of age or older to take advantage of this offer. See full details on Tor’s book club here: Tor eBook of the Month Club.
The novel is highly rated and a terrific read. The book follows Kell, one of the last Antari magicians who has the rare ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and Black. Kell was raised in Red London and serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, moving between the different Londons. Unofficially. Kell is a smuggler that sells glimpses of the different Londons to the curious.
Download your copy before this offer expires!