Sci-Fi Short of the Week

This week’s science fiction short film is set in 2204 on a planet that has experienced 73 years of non-ending war. The Shaman has changed from healer to weapon of war. Another cheerful dystopia where humanity huddles in darkened basements and fights for survival. :-? In the film, every object is imbued with a soul. The Shaman can penetrate the souls of machines by entering a netherworld to bring down seemingly invincible hulking killing machines.

Violin playing a la Nero at the burning of Rome, heavy ordinance, and dream sequences turn this short into a satisfying ball-buster with both visual and emotional impact. Move out and draw fire.

The Shaman: Danny Shayler
Lene: David Sayers
Soul of the Colossus: Susanne Wuest
Commander: Edmund Jäger
Kid Soldier: Adam Thomas Wright
Shieldfire Master #1: Anton Noori
Shieldfire Master #2: Stefan Bernhard
Narrator: Michael Rhys

Executive Producers: Christine Ajayi, Ernest Gold, and Roman Haschberger
Music: Taq Sakakibara
Cinematography: Thomas W. Kiennast

See the film for a full list of credits.

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