Happy N7 day from Offworlders Publishing.

Happy N7 Day from Offworlders Publishing

Mass Effect is a third person science fiction shooter developed by the Canadian company Bioware. More than just a shooter, the Mass Effect trilogy of games is a work of art that is sure to please all science fans that want to do more than just passively engage with Sci-Fi.

N-What Day? Glad you asked that! N7 Day is an annual celebration for Mass Effect’s main character Shepard whose rank in the Alliance military was N7, hence the November 7th day of celebration.

Mass Effect is great because the game is immersive and really gives the player a taste of what it’s like to actually be inside a science fiction novel. Playing as Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect Trilogy created by Bioware pulls you into the game and places you right into the middle of the action. I don’t play a lot of computer games, but when I do, I play Mass Effect and probably always will. The game is that good. The character arcs are beautifully done, so much so you genuinely care about the characters that fight and die with you in game. One night in particular I will remember up until the day I wander off into the dark lands and leave Terra. I made a bad decision that caused one of my team to commit suicide. I went to bed that night and was unable to sleep. This game will rattle your nerves and make you cry. Incredible storytelling.

Again, Happy N7 Day!

Need more? Click the image below to view the N7 Day Developer Roundtable that aired today from Edmonton and Montreal, Canada.


Oh yes – who is Venus Shepard? Venus is my current play through FemShep that’s total bad ass Renegade to the core. You don’t want to make her mad. Trust me on that.

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