Helsreach X by Richard Boylan

Part ten of a freaking incredible fan homage to the Warhammer 40K franchise. The series uses high-quality voiceover work from the audiobook Helsreach, and some amazing graphics work by Richard Boylan, Cinematic Designer at Bioware, to paint a picture of war that’s so radical I am still trying to get the grit out of my teeth. The story follows Grimaldus, Reclusiarch of the Black Templars, and the defense of Hive Helsreach from a large scale Ork invasion. Fighting alongside the Templars is Legio Invigilata and the 101st Armageddon Steel Legion.

If you like Richard’s work on Helsreach, he asks that you “consider purchasing the novel or audiobook to support Games Workshop.” That is what I plan to do by buying a few novels at Black Library. If you are new to this series of Warhammer fan films go here and start from the beginning: Richard Boylan.

Let me know what you think of the film?


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