Commander Shepard - Mass Effect 2 - Bioware

Outstanding FemShep Art:

The Bioware trilogy Mass Effect is a role-playing third person shooter that I doubt I will ever stop playing. It’s that good. The game revolves around Commander Shepard, tasked with saving the galaxy from a machine race known as the Reapers. On a cyclical basis, the Reapers have been destroying advanced civilizations for millennia, allowing them to build to a high technological level before moving in and conducting systematic genocide. If humanity and all the other species are to survive this cycle, it’s up to Shepard to put an end to the Reapers’ pattern of destruction.

It’s a great story replete with excellent voice acting and non-stop action. The only way it could be any better would be to add a VR component and step into the game. I am sure some people would never reemerge from the Mass Effect universe if given the opportunity.

One aspect of the game I am totally in love with is the Mass Effect fan art that the game has inspired. The third installment was published in March 2012, and the amazing artwork continues to be produced.

Shepard: We’ve lost so much already. Sometimes, I…
Tali: You don’t know if what’ll be left was worth the fight? I know. And when I feel that way, I reach for you. ~ Overheard in Normandy SR-2 during Romance: Tali

Here are some of my favorite fan images of female Commander Shepard. To see more of each artist work follow these links. Pheberoni’s DA page (first two freckled Shepard images). Jinxiedoodle’s gallery to see more artwork like the third rough and tumble FemShep in a fighting stance. Leon9606’s DA gallery to see more images like the 4th renegade blonde Shepard image. Finally, you can visit Hessarian’s gallery to see more artwork like the fifth image featuring a long haired Shepard at 21. The first image not in the sliding gallery is a screenshot I took playing Mass Effect2. Shepard gets spaced from the Normandy during the opening scenes.

  • 4 20 lmao by Pheberoni
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