Sci-Fi Short of the Week: “Power Rangers Unauthorized”

Go Go Power Rangers! Yes indeed! A gritty unauthorized bloody NSFW remake of the Power Rangers directed by Joseph Kahn and produced by Adi Shankar. Now, I have to come clean here. I never watched the old Power Rangers TV show. I found it rather – I don’t know – silly. Had the show been anything like the remake found here in this sci-fi short I would have been a fan. The film was pulled off the nets for a bit as lawyers bumped heads and wrangled over copyright issues. The film returned after the lawyers hashed things out. A disclaimer points out there is no affiliation with Saban Entertainment or Lionsgate, that the film claims no rights to characters, yadda yadda, the standard legal stuff. I am glad they worked things out because this short is a blast to watch. Enjoy.


Katee Sackhoff – Kimberly/Pink
James Van Der Beek – Rocky
Russ Bain – Tommy/Green
Will Yun Lee – General Klank
Gichi Gamba – Zack/Black


Director: Joseph Kahn
Writers: Joseph Kahn, James Van Der Beek, Dutch Southern
Producers: Adi Shankar, Jil Hardin
Executive Producers: Justin Smith, David Kang, Raymond Watt, Michael S. Kim
Co-producers: Renn Brown, Kathy Palmer
Cinematographer: Christopher Probst
Production Designer: Brett Hess
Costume Designer: Edda Gudmunsdottir
Stunt/Fight Coordinator: Don Theerathada/87 Eleven
Sound Designer: Fletcher Alliston
Music by Brain and Melissa
Visual Effects: Ingenuity Engine
Visual Effects Supervisors: David Lebensfeld, Grant Miller, Chris Watts

Additional Info:

Almost forgot. You may ask why bootleg the Rangers? Producer Adi Shankar explains here in this funny YouTube Video: Why Bootleg The Power Rangers? Good Stuff.


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