Ghost of Christmas future – Blackadder’s Christmas Carol – BBC

Everyone at Offworlders wishes you a very Merry Sci-Fi Christmas! May the remainder of 2015 be happy and full of wonderful surprises. This week’s video features an old BBC production of Blackadder’s Christmas Carol. When Ebenezer Blackadder discovers through the spirit that an ancestor of his will marry Queen Asphyxia XIX and rule the universe if he behaves badly, Ebenezer wakes up the next morning determined to be a total jerk. All in good fun. Enjoy!

Full Cast: 

Rowan Atkinson: Ebenezer Blackadder/Lord Edmund Blackadder/Mr. E. Blackadder/Grand Admiral Blackadder
Tony Robinson: Mr. Baldrick and his ancestors and descendants
Stephen Fry: Lord Melchett/Lord Frondo
Hugh Laurie: Prince George/Prince Pigmot
Miranda Richardson: Queen Elizabeth/Queen Asphyxia XIX
Robbie Coltrane: Spirit of Christmas
Miriam Margolyes: Queen Victoria
Jim Broadbent: Prince Albert
Patsy Byrne: Nursie
Denis Lill: Beadle
Pauline Melville: Mrs. Scratchit
Philip Pope: Lord Nelson
Nicola Bryant as Millicent: Blackadder’s goddaughter
Ramsay Gilderdale: Ralph, Millicent’s fiancé
David Barber, Erkan Mustafa and David Nunn as the Enormous Orphans

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